Each year, I try to attend at least three educational programs such as conferences, classes or retreats. Each time I do, I meet interesting, professional people with valuable information to offer. In this section, I hope to share some of the information and hope it will be useful to you….like website addresses and how these contacts can be helpful.
Also because I know your time is limited, I will share quick tips like the following: If you get up one morning dreading the task at hand or feeling like you have “writer’s block,” make a list of seven things to do with three of the assignments being pleasurable. Here’s an example:
- One hour updating website
- Review & organize notes for upcoming article
- Make list of 24 magazines to send your article
- Work 30 minutes – on first paragraph of story
- Thirty minutes your choice of relaxation
- Thirty minutes pamper yourself or get pick-me-up snack
- Activity which makes you happy – takes your mind off responsibilities.
Cut these sentences in strips and roll up. Place in a drawing box and pick one at a time. This helps you get started and also reminds you to take a break. I’ve been amazed that the sequence I draw the activities in usually come in the order most helpful to me.
The first few days in May I attended the Author U Extravaganza in Denver, Colorado. Here are two people I met who I would recommend you check their site for information:
Amber Ludwig, NGNG Enterprises
Tim Gard, Funnier U
How to Write, Talk and Think Funnier
Each update of this website, I will include new contacts for you to check to obtain help in your work.