Early in my life three very important people died. Also participation in the sport I loved and good health were removed for a period of time. For the longest, I couldn’t understand why I had to endure such pain.
Now I know. These experiences were like a catalyst to prepare and educate me about my life purpose. Plus, the question led to a great deal of research and mental, physical and spiritual development. My father, who was one of the people who died after a lifetime of severe health problems, was a superb role model. He used the power of his mind to overcome physical hindrances and chose to use what tools he had in the most constructive way possible….especially humor and knowledge. Even though I only had Dad for fourteen years – he spoke to me like I was a mature individual who could comprehend the advanced “new age” topics of which he was very knowledgeable.
If in some way I can help you in your life purpose search, heal from a grief, communicate with those watching over you, improve your creativity in writing or art, find ways to laugh and release your stress; I’ll do what I can to answer your question or route you in a helpful direction. If I’m unfamiliar with the topic you’re asking about – I will tell you.
You have followed right in Your Dads footsteps! And You have had some Great Guides!
Just wanted to let you know that I love your web page. I enjoy reading it very much and loooove the prints! Will let you know as soon as I can what day we can come and see if that works for you! Hope many others are enjoying your page, also. I gave Martha the link. Keep the page going! Your friend, Dottie
I am really enjoying reading your writings. You paint beautiful pictures with words as well as a paint brush. Diana, I wish I had known you better when we were going to school together. Enjoyed our meeting yesterday and happy to be getting to know you better now.
I truly enjoyed reading your stories this morning. They brought back memories of Granbury and high school.
I regret not being more sensitive to your situation at home. My parents and I didn’t have any close relationships with my friends families. Mine were not of the Beaver Clever type household!!!
I hope that you will continue your stories and paintings of the past! Your art speaks to the heart. I love the Round House…just wish I remembered it!